What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Industry News

[TECH SAVVY] Tech is booming in senior living

K4Connect recently released a report, "Trending technologies to navigate life and work in senior living during and post-pandemic," which provides insights from a diverse group of more than 40 senior living communities across the U.S. Results come from user data and survey responses between January-April 2021. See where your organization fits among the tech trends that are transforming the industry.

Key findings from operator data show organizations invested in tech to overcome challenges during and after the pandemic. In the last year, 33% implemented a resident engagement app; 31% implemented a companion engagement app; and 25% implemented/deployed voice technology.

Virtual event creation by staff increased 134% and close to 81% of residents attended the virtual events via Zoom.

The report also revealed that residents are active users of smart technologies: 92% own a smartphone; 58% own a voice assistant; and 40% own a fitness tracker.

Further, 82% of staff indicated that they see technology as highly valuable and 83% said that offering technology as an amenity improves occupancy.

To download the full report, click here


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