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Industry News

[TIME-WASTERS] Could this meeting have been an email?

An article in Fast Company tackles the seemingly never-ending problem of meetings that either go nowhere or are used simply as the platform for an announcement. Could these meetings – whether in-person or virtual – have been skipped entirely?

The article cites a recent study from SurveyMonkey in which 32% of respondents found themselves thinking that a meeting could have been replaced by an email. That survey also found that only 56% of respondents come away from meetings with clear action items all or most of the time.

The SurveyMonkey survey found that “having an agenda” and “keeping meetings short” could help improve meetings. Fast Company came up with strategies for improving meetings based on interviews with top executives. These include: Reserving meetings for creating actions from a proposal; being efficient by focusing on something – for example, a challenging issue; using meetings to brainstorm new ideas; using meetings to handle sensitive topics and mitigate miscommunication on emotionally charged topics.

Read both articles before you send out your next calendar invite, and see if they make a difference.

To read the Fast Company article, click here

To read the SurveyMonkey article, click here


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