What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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Topic- Health promotion


“Ageless aging”: How women can truly win the longevity lottery by Colin Milner-11078

“Ageless aging”: How women can truly win the longevity lottery by Colin Milner

Although "women have won the longevity lottery, they face challenges to living better longer," says Maddy Dychtwald, a leading futurist, public speaker, and thought leader. Contributing to these challenges is women's underrepresentation. As a result, their unique needs, concerns, challenges and ambitions receive too little attention. Dychtwald shares perspectives and information to help women lead longer, better lives.


Health promotion

Physical literacy and active aging: A holistic approach to physical activity promotion by Rebecca Lloyd, PhD, and Stephen Smith, PhD-10590

Physical literacy and active aging: A holistic approach to physical activity promotion by Rebecca Lloyd, PhD, and Stephen Smith, PhD

The benefits of being physically active throughout the life course are tremendous, not only from a disease-prevention perspective, but also in terms of the positive feelings of moving with and alongside others. However, simply advising others to become more active is ineffective without considering how they feel when moving and the extent of social, emotional, and community support available to maintain active motivation.


Health promotion

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: How active-aging professionals can help older adults move more by Malorie Polster, MPH, CHES; Bianca Macias, MPH, CPH; Alison Vaux-Bjer-10584

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: How active-aging professionals can help older adults move more by Malorie Polster, MPH, CHES; Bianca Macias, MPH, CPH; Alison Vaux-Bjer

The United States government has followed the latest edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans with a midcourse report all about older adults. The report emphasizes that it is never too late to start or restart physical activity. Health and wellness professionals are uniquely positioned to help older adults incorporate more physical activity into their lives.


Health promotion

Active Aging Week: Plan early to maximize your impact-10458

Active Aging Week: Plan early to maximize your impact

This yearly campaign highlights the potential for people to live better longer with wellness as their foundation. It's also a perfect platform to showcase your organization. Now's a good time to start planning your participation.


Health promotion

Beyond fun and games: Health promotion drives the NSGA-9313

Beyond fun and games: Health promotion drives the NSGA

For active-aging organizations, the National Senior Games offers an avenue to support adults 50+ in pursuing their potential to live well and inspiring others to do the same. The National Senior Games Association (NSGA) does more than just host athletic competitions for adults 50+. NSGA Director of Health and Well-being Andrew Walker says, "Our larger goal is to get everyone in the country moving in one way or another to improve the quality of their lives, even if they don't want to compete in sports."


Health promotion

Active Aging Week 2021: Celebrating active, engaged living-8977

Active Aging Week 2021: Celebrating active, engaged living

Individuals engaging fully in life as they age--that's the long-term outcome that active-aging professionals often hope for when they host Active Aging Week. Since the annual observance launched in 2003, the wellness initiative has showcased the potential of older adults and their ability to participate fully in life's different dimensions. And every year, host organizations create low-to-no-cost activities to encourage adults 50+ to try new experiences and savor the fun, friendship and joy of participation in physical, spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, vocational and environmental wellness offerings. Through a mix of in-person and virtual programming, these organizations again enlivened their neighborhoods and communities in 2021 with opportunities to join in the week's celebrations. Active Aging Week 2021, presented by Humana, was organized and led nationally by the International Council on Active Aging. National sponsors Abbott Nutrition and Aegis Therapies/EnerG by Aegis supported the campaign, along with content providers Spiro100 and One Day University. From local hosts and sponsors to organizers and volunteers, a multitude of grassroots contributors made the initiative a highlight of early fall for older adults across North America and beyond. To give a flavor of the week, held October 4-10, the following pages share some of the activities offered.


Health promotion

Total items: 54

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