What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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Topic- Wellness


At the apex:

At the apex: "Best in Wellness" senior living communities by Julie King, MS

As research broadens understanding of active aging's value, and technology expands capabilities and offerings, opportunities proliferate to enhance wellness cultures. Also driving this evolution is a continuing shift in perceptions about older adults' abilities and potential, plus their increased expectations. This article highlights ICAA NuStep Pinnacle Award recipients as role models of thriving wellness cultures in senior living. "What these communities have in common is the ability to offer transformative experiences that markedly enhance quality of life," says ICAA's Colin Milner.



Splendido at Rancho Vistoso: Embodying an ecosystem of wellness by Julie King, MS-11068

Splendido at Rancho Vistoso: Embodying an ecosystem of wellness by Julie King, MS

Splendido at Rancho Vistoso strives to transform lives with an evolving holistic model and a wholehearted commitment to a personalized approach. The ICAA NuStep Pinnacle Award-winning life plan community combines enviable facilities and amenities, innovative wellness programming, and a campus-wide effort to support the individual, creating a beacon of wellness excellence for senior living.



"Best in Wellness" communities and CEOs named for 2023

Two industry leaders dedicated to advancing holistic wellness in senior living and other active-aging settings recently revealed the 2023 recipients of their "Best in Wellness" Awards.



Revolutionize experiences and outcomes with person-centered wellness by Colin Milner-10056

Revolutionize experiences and outcomes with person-centered wellness by Colin Milner

No longer just a personal aspiration, living better longer has become a transformative force in the active-aging industry. This new era in thinking drives the priority given to wellness. Consider that in 2022's ICAA State of the Wellness Industry survey, four in five respondents (81%) considered wellness a top priority for their organizations. To optimize support for older adults' health and wellness, a highly person-centered approach is desirable. Why? One word: diversity. A highly person-centered approach finds meaningful new ways to connect with the needs and interests of residents, members and staff.



Closing the wellness gaps by Colin Milner-9143

Closing the wellness gaps by Colin Milner

Research shows overwhelming commitment to wellness as a priority across the active-aging industry. But a lack of clarity about wellness itself may present a barrier to effective implementation.



Thriving at PSL: A resident-led special event celebrates wellness-9035

Thriving at PSL: A resident-led special event celebrates wellness

Summer 2020 challenged providers of senior living, care and aging services with pandemic concerns. While the health and safety of residents and staff were consuming issues, so too were questions of how to support their overall wellness. At Presbyterian Senior Living (PSL) in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, plans for an in-house wellness initiative moved ahead, with resident focus groups providing input as the not-for-profit developed its wellness culture. Fostering this culture is Thrive Wellness, PSL's "resident-driven approach to wellness." Launched early in 2021, Thrive Wellness "promotes a culture of wellness, engagement and purposeful living to empower all individuals to live their best lives," according to the PSL website. Key to this approach is collaboration between residents and team members and between the organization's communities. The Thrive Wellness Steering Group demonstrates that collaborative spirit, with independent-living residents, team members and community leadership all involved. In keeping with the resident-driven philosophy and the collaborative, holistic framework of Thrive Wellness, the steering group came up with an idea for a special event inspired by Active Aging Week, the annual ICAA-led campaign to promote active, engaged living, presented by Humana. The PSL initiative would have its own twists, however.



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