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Topic- Career development

Make the most of the ICAA Conference
Attending a professional conference is a chance to take time for yourself and ultimately benefit the people you work with and for. By thinking strategically about how you will participate, you can enhance the value of your experience and contribute to making the meeting valuable for others.
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Sages of Aging: A perspective by Jim Firman, EdD, MBA
Leaders in the fields of aging and longevity have striven for decades to transform the aging experience through research, policy and practice. Ken Dychtwald, PhD, founder and CEO of the consultancy Age Wave, is a prolific writer, speaker and thought leader on the grand opportunities and challenges of an aging society. Elyse Pellman, Age Wave president, has collaborated with him on many publications. Their most recent book, Sages of Aging, offers life and leadership guidance for future leaders.
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Encouraging leadership by Jenifer Milner (with Sages of Aging: A perspective by Jim Firman, EdD, MBA)
Who will emerge as future leaders in aging and longevity, continuing the essential work of challenging and changing the way we age? A new resource supports individuals in becoming changemakers in aging and longevity.
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'Continuous learning: The key to success by Kathie C. Garbe, PhD, MCHES
Remember being curious and excited about discovering how things work, where things are in the world, why things are the way they are, and what something means? We were all born with the desire to learn and grow. For 12-16+ years, we are educational sponges, absorbing information on many subjects and learning the skills to apply knowledge. After that, many of us become lifelong-learners and continue to hold on to that spark. Others of us become more complacent, settled, and need to light the spark that reignites love of learning. To enhance our professional lives, we must clear the cobwebs and engage our brains in ways that improve our knowledge and skills.
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Inspired leadership: Transforming yourself and others with passion and purpose by Marilynn Larkin, MA
Two years ago in the Journal on Active Aging, International Council on Active Aging founder and CEO Colin Milner made the case that “before wellness models can truly make a difference, those who work with older adults need to embrace change themselves.” ... To assist members on their journeys, ICAA invited Gregg Levoy and Maureen Hagan to present at the ICAA Conference 2016. These speakers set out to facilitate both personal and professional growth, motivating attendees to embark or advance on the path to passionate, purposeful leadership. To bring valuable information to all readers, the Journal recently interviewed Levoy and Hagan.
moreCareer development

Framing the value of wellness staff
Every day, which staff members interact with clients and residents of all functional abilities, in all types of living situations? The staff members who make those daily contacts are likely in the café or dining room, and in the wellness lifestyle areas: activities/engagement, fitness, recreation. The wellness workforce has the capacity to inspire and help so many. Doesn’t it make sense that they are critical to realizing the organization’s mission? The publication of the International Council on Active Aging’s Return on Investment (ROI) in Wellness Staff report spotlights the important role staffing has in developing and maintaining an effective wellness program.