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Topic- Program profiles

Creating memorable moments at Tapestry at Victoria Harbour by Julie King, MS
A new senior living community leads the way in the third annual ICAA NuStep Beacon and Pinnacle Awards
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Force for good: Older adults and the impact of intergenerational programs by Terry Kaelber, MPA, and Trent Stamp, MPP
Winner of the prestigious Eisner Prize, this initiative supports, mobilizes and empowers older adults in self-directed project teams to "address important issues and strengthen community life."
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Thriving at PSL: A resident-led special event celebrates wellness
Summer 2020 challenged providers of senior living, care and aging services with pandemic concerns. While the health and safety of residents and staff were consuming issues, so too were questions of how to support their overall wellness. At Presbyterian Senior Living (PSL) in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, plans for an in-house wellness initiative moved ahead, with resident focus groups providing input as the not-for-profit developed its wellness culture. Fostering this culture is Thrive Wellness, PSL's "resident-driven approach to wellness." Launched early in 2021, Thrive Wellness "promotes a culture of wellness, engagement and purposeful living to empower all individuals to live their best lives," according to the PSL website. Key to this approach is collaboration between residents and team members and between the organization's communities. The Thrive Wellness Steering Group demonstrates that collaborative spirit, with independent-living residents, team members and community leadership all involved. In keeping with the resident-driven philosophy and the collaborative, holistic framework of Thrive Wellness, the steering group came up with an idea for a special event inspired by Active Aging Week, the annual ICAA-led campaign to promote active, engaged living, presented by Humana. The PSL initiative would have its own twists, however.
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For Brain Fitness Academy, the pandemic led to a new, successful product by Sara Woodard, MHSA, and Annette Kelly, PhD, ARNP
In March 2020, Brain Fitness Academy (BFA) program sites, like so many others, were forced to close due to COVID-19. The Florida nonprofit's familiar in-person model became unavailable to its members almost overnight. Unbeknownst to the organization at that point, the closure would lead to quick, agile thinking and creativity, which combined to spark development of a new product that is now a permanent part of BFA's offerings. Headquartered in Winter Park, Florida, BFA strives to maximize the lives of individuals with mild cognitive impairment/early dementia living in the community through a curriculum- based program that highlights capabilities and focuses on success in a safe, supportive environment. Having heard many times from members that BFA is the highlight of their week, we recognized immediately that closing or interrupting the program was not an option. The team, with the guidance of cofounder Peggy Bargmann, RN, immediately went to the drawing board to come up with a solution to keep the members engaged and connected. Our research included seeking advice from our trusted academic partners as well as other experts. We worked collaboratively to explore the best solutions for delivery of our program in a virtual format.
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Casa Dorinda's "Meet Your Neighbor" initiative introduces residents to each other via video by Marilynn Larkin, MA
When the pandemic struck and effectively isolated Casa Dorinda's on- and off-campus residents from the surrounding communities and from each other, the entertainment committee cochairs of the Montecito, California-based life-care community sprang into action. They came up with an innovative and compelling video project, Meet Your Casa Dorinda Neighbor, which has had a positive impact on residents, staff and sales, and will be part of the organization's array of services going forward, according to Director of Life Enrichment Melissa Gill Hausz. Pre-pandemic, the community's entertainment committee members were in part responsible for greeting new residents, inviting them to dinners and social events, and introducing them to current residents. As it became clear in March 2020 that social activities would effectively shut down, the committee's cochairs proposed the video initiative. "The Life Enrichment team felt it would be a wonderful way for residents to not only see each other, but to learn about each other at a time when they couldn't meet in person and have conversations face-to-face," Hausz says. "The plan was approved, and everyone got to work!"
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Sunnyside's Wellness Scout program inspires resident wellness
"Sunnyside Communities has a history of supportive retirement living that began more than 100 years ago," states Annie Shaffer, wellness director at Sunnyside Retirement Community in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The Sunnyside campus is one of three life-plan communities--King's Grant and Summit Square being the others--owned and operated by the faith-based nonprofit. It is also a community whose active-aging efforts have won recognition from the International Council on Active Aging. In fact, the Sunnyside community has garnered more ICAA Innovators Awards for its initiatives than any other organization since the awards program launched--all during Shaffer's tenure. Honoring Sunnyside's recent efforts, ICAA granted a 2017 ICAA Innovators Achievement Award to the community's Wellness Scout program. To find out more about the program, the Journal on Active Aging recently talked to Shaffer.