What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Topic- clinical studies


Stats: Only 9% of sport and exercise science studies include older women-10400

Stats: Only 9% of sport and exercise science studies include older women

Action is urgently needed to address the dearth of older women in sport and exercise science, not only for the sake of the growing numbers of female athletes, but for women's health in general, a group of international researchers urged in an editorial, published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Additional research in this area will also inform active-aging community management and perhaps offer opportunities for collaboration.


clinical studies

Screening mammograms risky for women over 70-10010

Screening mammograms risky for women over 70

Breast cancer screening for women over 70 carries risks, according to research from Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. Although some guidelines recommend continuing screening for older women, the study emphasizes the importance of assessing potential harms associated with testing, such as overdiagnosis, which, researchers say, can negatively affect quality of life. Active-aging organizations could consider educating residents and staff about the findings, which seem to be garnering support in the medical community.


clinical studies

NIH releases 2022 dementia research progress report-9461

NIH releases 2022 dementia research progress report

The US National Institutes on Health has released its 2022 scientific progress report on dementia research. The report features science advances and related efforts between March 2021 and early 2022 in areas in such areas as drug development and biomarkers; lifestyle, behavior and cognitive training interventions; dementia care and caregiver support; and health disparities. It's a must-read or reference publication for senior living and dementia-care staff.


clinical studies

Tech Talk: Many digital health startups lack robustness-9203

Tech Talk: Many digital health startups lack robustness

The digital health sector has experienced rapid growth over the past decade. However, healthcare technology stakeholders lack a comprehensive understanding of clinical robustness and claims across the industry, according to a recent study. It's something active-aging organizations should bear in mind when considering purchasing new technology.


clinical studies

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