What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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A healthy foundation: understanding older adults' caloric needs and how to achieve them by Kathryn Porter, MS, RD

Determining what, when and why to eat certain foods to meet a target calorie level can be a challenging and daunting task at any age. This task is even greater in later life, however.

Older adults may be experiencing decline in muscle mass, less volume and intensity of physical activity, chronic health conditions, physical limitations, numerous medications, and slower metabolisms. Additionally, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2007–2008 reported that 78% of American men and 69% of American women ages 60 and older were overweight, while 37% and 34% respectively were obese; moreover, 60% of men and 74% of women had abdominal obesity.

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