What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The active-aging landscape: trends in wellness center equipment and development by Patricia Ryan, MS

Organizations that embrace the concepts of whole-person wellness seek to integrate the philosophy throughout their operations. That integration includes making each staff member an ambassador for the wellness program, educating clients on the benefits and opportunities of an active lifestyle, and creating an attitude that reinforces “we’re all in this together.” Yet, when it comes time to implement a wellness culture, the philosophy must take a tangible form on strategic planning agendas and in operational plans.

The tangibles of wellness need a home within an organization. That home may be a single or multiple departments, with one or more staff members responsible for implementation. There are job descriptions to write and performance objectives to monitor. Plus, expenses and revenue must be placed somewhere on one or more budgets.

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