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How to bring green dining to scale by Laura Lukas, BA

Going green. Some say it’s easy; others say it’s hard. I don’t think I could qualify it either way—it’s probably best to say that it’s a journey. When you decide to make your organization more eco-friendly, it can be quite an undertaking, especially if you are strongly rooted in unsustainable practices. The transformation won’t happen overnight and your decisions will not always be simple. However, making the transition to eco-friendly practices is definitely doable.

When you start to look at your organization through “green” eyes, the first challenge often is deciding where to begin. Green dining is a good starting point; you can save money while clearly doing good for the environment. In addition, your customers—be they residents in active-living communities, visitors to seniors centers or health clubs, or guests at special functions and events—will appreciate the difference.

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