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Topic- Thought leaders


"The most powerful medicine": Dr. Harry Lodge delves into brain science, lifestyle and healthy aging by Marilynn Larkin, MA

When it comes to healthy aging, Henry S. (“Harry”) Lodge, MD, FACP, is justifiably optimistic. Since he coauthored the New York Times’ bestselling Younger Next Year series of books in 2007, both research and clinical experience seem to support his contention that lifestyle changes can affect the brain as well as the body. Lodge provided insights into the future of brain science and its connection to lifestyle and healthy aging at the International Council on Active Aging Conference 2013. Discussing “the next generation of cognitive science,” he suggested that “the key to optimal brain health at all ages turns out to be the way we structure and live our lives.”


Thought leaders

Welltower's Thomas DeRosa speaks: Is the investor community listening?-5564

Welltower's Thomas DeRosa speaks: Is the investor community listening?

The wellness movement is in full swing. Recent research conducted by the International Council on Active Aging® (ICAA) shows that wellness is now widely accepted and adopted by ICAA member organizations. Even with all this positive movement, staffing levels for wellness are lacking. So, too, is appropriate funding. Could it be that investors, equity partners and chief financial officers do not see the financial benefits of healthy, happy residents in a care-focused model? Visionaries know better. One such individual is Thomas J. DeRosa, MBA, chief executive officer and director of Welltower™ Inc., a company that "invests in the transformation of health care infrastructure."


Thought leaders

Mainstreet's Zeke Turner: a disrupting influence on transitional care and beyond by Colin Milner-5555

Mainstreet's Zeke Turner: a disrupting influence on transitional care and beyond by Colin Milner

Every industry needs disrupters-people who challenge the status quo and ask why we operate the way we do. Disrupters drive innovation in their quests to improve things. In seeking to reengineer the customer experience, these individuals will many times inspire change that revolutionizes industries. Their greatest nemeses tend to be those who would benefit most from change, yet who are unprepared to do so because they find it costly and uncomfortable. Yes, disrupters can divide opinion and shake belief systems to their foundations. But they are essential to progress, both in industries and society. So, is Zeke Turner, founder and chief executive officer of Mainstreet®, such a person?


Thought leaders

Total items: 15

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