What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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You got rhythm and your clients do, too! by Kat Fulton, MM

We truly are born to make music. Music is in our footsteps, in the rhythm of our language and heartbeats, in our breath, and all over nature. Music makes life fun, social and expressive. Music enriches life and creates meaningful moments for older adults.

Music experiences can benefit people with all levels of function. Research has shown that recreational music-making fortifies the immune system of older adults (Koyama, et al, 2009) and improves quality of life (Sole, et al, 2010). Music therapy can reduce agitation in older adults with dementia, with the greatest benefit occurring when people listen to or sing music they prefer (LaGasse, 2010).

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