What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The benefits of traveling later in life by Gwen Hyatt, MS

Your clients have worked for 40-50 years, raised a family, saved for retirement and now have the opportunity to savor la buena vida (the good life). Many have the time, resources and health to do what they want. For some, this is a daunting option, while others embrace the opportunity to stay active and engaged and to spend time perusing the world. Not only is traveling in later life exciting and full of adventure, it also provides multidimensional benefits for healthy, active aging. As they discover new horizons, older travelers enhance their intellectual/cognitive, social, emotional and physical wellness. By providing opportunities for travel or simply sharing this information with your clients, you can encourage them to "hit the road" for better health and well-being.

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