What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Industry news

[GOING UP?] NIC releases 1Q24 senior housing data

"NIC MAP Vision® has released its “1Q24 NIC MAP Market Fundamentals” data, which includes senior housing and care occupancy rates; annual rent growth; annual absorption; annual inventory growth; senior housing construction versus inventory; and rolling 4-quarter starts versus inventory"

[PILL PROBLEMS] High-risk Rx list for older emergency room patients released

"A panel of 10 emergency department (ED) physicians with expertise in geriatrics and a pharmacist with expertise in geriatric pharmacotherapy have prepared the first expert consensus-based list of types of medications that should not be prescribed to older adults in the ED. "

[SKIN DEEP] Dove report links AI to unrealistic beauty standards

Active Aging Leading, connecting and defining the active aging industry since 2001. ICAA provides world class information, education, resources and tools to help health and wellness professionals be more successful with their clients age 50 plus

[GET BETTER] Telerehab equals in-person care for chronic knee pain

"Telerehabilitation with a physical therapist is not inferior to in-person care for chronic knee pain, a recent study from Australia found. "

[BE WELL!] Healthcare costs top list of retirement money worries

"To better understand the intersection of healthcare and personal finances in retirement, eHealth and Retirable commissioned a general population survey of Americans ages 60 through 70, some already retired and enrolled in Medicare, others anticipating retirement and Medicare eligibility. Over 520 responses were collected. Although not a nationally representative sample, the report does provide insights into the concerns of this demographic."

Risk factors for faster aging in the brain revealed in new study

"The researchers had previously identified a ‘weak spot’ in the brain, which is a specific network of higher-order regions that not only develop later during adolescence, but also show earlier degeneration in old age. They showed that this brain network is also particularly vulnerable to schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease."

NEI study points to ‘Ground Zero’ for AMD development

"Integrative omics approach finds 87 genes where aging, diet, lifestyle and smoking may take toll by affecting epigenome"

New trial highlights promising intervention to reduce sitting and improve blood pressure in older adults

"New trial highlights promising intervention to reduce sitting and improve blood pressure in older adults"

Chronic musculoskeletal pain may

"In a study published in Nature Mental Health, scientists from China and the United States have found that individuals suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain (CMP) may face a higher high risk of brain aging."

Age: an overlooked factor in higher education DEI initiatives

"As universities around the world strive to cultivate diverse and equitable communities, a recent study from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis highlights the necessity of recognizing age as a fundamental dimension of diversity."

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