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Topic- Leadership


Leadership and learning are indispensable by Jim Clemmer-1005

Leadership and learning are indispensable by Jim Clemmer

The great American founding father, author and statesman Benjamin Franklin was highly devoted to lifelong learning and continual personal improvement. His book Benjamin Franklin’s The Art of Virtue, edited by George Rogers, is an inspiring account of Franklin’s life and an instructive guide to his improvement process and personal effectiveness system. Franklin once said, “If you empty your purse in your head, no one can take it away from you. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”



Listen to stakeholders before initiating change by Debra J. Schmidt-577

Listen to stakeholders before initiating change by Debra J. Schmidt

I was out of town last Saturday. While I was gone, my husband took our son to the pet store just for fun. On an impulse, he decided to purchase two goldfish—total investment: 59 cents.

My son called me just as I was preparing to drive back to Milwaukee and excitedly told me about our new pets. Then, my husband came on the line and asked me where our little aquarium was.



One bad apple can spoil an industry's reputation by Debra J. Schmidt-562

One bad apple can spoil an industry's reputation by Debra J. Schmidt

There is a lot of value in joining a professional or trade association. Membership can enhance your marketing efforts, increase the visibility of your business, create networking opportunities, provide professional development opportunities, and elevate your credibility. But in order to reap the rewards of belonging to an association, you must take your membership responsibilities seriously.



Navigating change and adversity-547

Navigating change and adversity

“Embrace change” is a useless platitude mouthed by managers or motivational speakers who have not thought through its full implications—or they are masochists who enjoy suffering. Changes that bring new opportunities or propel us forward are easy to embrace. But many changes look quite negative and are tough—if not impossible—to welcome. This list might include loss of a relationship, a loved one, health, job, money, and such.

We often don’t choose the difficulties or negative changes that spring upon us. But we always choose how we respond.



Using imagery to encourage good posture by Ken Baldwin, MEd-448

Using imagery to encourage good posture by Ken Baldwin, MEd

Improved posture and body alignment are important goals when designing exercise and post-rehabilitation programs for older adults. Not only does proper posture and body alignment provide comfort and ease of movement throughout a person’s lifetime, but good postural skills protect and strengthen the body.



Earn respect to achieve success by Debra J. Schmidt-447

Earn respect to achieve success by Debra J. Schmidt

Reputation is everything if you want to be successful. Don’t confuse reputation with image. A polished, professional appearance counts, but earning the respect of others is more important. You need to focus more on your character in order to build a great reputation. You are more likely to be successful when others respect and trust you. There are 5 character qualities that are essential to earning the respect you need in order to build a solid reputation.



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