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Senior Theatre adapts to the pandemic: COVID-19 teaches older actors new tricks by Bonnie L. Vorenberg, BA, MS

We never thought we’d turn to online meeting software to do theatre! Perform, but not in person? No way. Then, COVID-19 changed everything. It made us pivot to new techniques and make adaptations so we could do what we’ve always done: use theatre to connect, inform and entertain. The most surprising discovery was that senior theatre online produces the same benefits as senior theatre in person. Theatre touches every part of us as humans, stimulating our physical, mental, psychological, cultural and emotional selves. But the social outcome of performing is the strongest. .... Against a backdrop of social restrictions and loneliness, drama groups help actors and audiences connect and performers do what they do best—entertain! It’s a piece of reality that feels oh-so-good right now. Below, we share with you our story, complete with the challenging learning curve. ... Use our experiences to help you get online quickly and easily.

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