Creating your blueprint for a wellness-based community
The active aging industry is comprised of many different types of organizations. Each is at a different point in its transition to the wellness-based model, and each faces its own brand of challenges. But the shift to the wellness model is an ongoing transformation. And how we define wellness will continue to evolve as more science emerges and as societal values around what constitutes quality-of-life advances.
Regardless of where things stand within any individual organization, the following recommendations are intended to provide a general guide to help organizations create the tailored blueprints they'll need to move themselves-and the industry-forward as the wellness-based model becomes increasingly important to our businesses and society as a whole.

Making the most of these guidelines
- Create a wellness team of individuals who are 100% sold on wellness to start the journey together.
- Use these guidelines to discuss, research, draw up, and implement a comprehensive blueprint along with goal-specific strategies for embracing wellness and moving to a wellness-based business model.
- Ensure that all planning and implementation remain focused on a vision for today?and for the future.
- Revisit these guidelines routinely as you continue to assess your strategies and fully implement your blueprint